Rabu, 18 Julai 2012

A Step by Step Guide to Problem Solving

A Step by Step Guide to Problem Solving
This article was published on Monday, July 26th, 2010

Six Options for Building Healthy Self Esteem

Six Options for Building Healthy Self Esteem

This article was published on Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

How to Communicate Assertively in Your Relationship

How to Communicate Assertively in Your Relationship

This article was published on Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Couples when they get married usually believe that they are on an equal footing and that marriage or their decision to live together gives them the permission to express their feelings and wants with an expectation that they will be respected, to state their views and opinions with an understanding that they will be listened to, and to say “no” openly without feeling guilty.
This does happen in many partnerships but there is no guarantee that it will in all, for sooner or later many couples will feel the discomfort of an imbalance in their relationship. This disparity will become noticeable when for instance one partner asks their partner to do something that they don’t want to do. It may be something simple as to go out with people they dislike, or more complicated as packing their bags and moving away from family and friends. In either case due to one partner’s inability to say “no” they submit to the request thus magnifying the inequality in the relationship.
At other times the gap in the relationship is noticeable when one party dominates the other in discussion and conversation and does not allow their partner a voice, or if they do, they minimise anything they have to say. This behaviour is tolerated as the aggrieved party does not want to ‘rock the boat’ and has developed a submissive communication style.

Solution-Focused Communication Skills Training

 Solution-Focused Communication Skills Training
 This article was published on Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Communication is the primary activity from which to build a healthy, enjoyable, and fulfilling intimate relationship. Most problems in relationships either develop from or are maintained through either a lack of communication or poor communication.
Because of this, relational issues can really only be resolved effectively through the use of appropriate communication skills. Interestingly, while couples who have open lines of communication usually find support in each other during the more challenging times of their relationship, most couples tend to communicate less when they are having problems in their relationship (Long & Young, 2007).
It is therefore important to encourage a more productive relationship in the couple through helping them communicate openly and directly with each other about their thoughts, feelings, conflicting issues, problems and concerns (Brown & Brown, 2002).

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